K-PaaS LandScape
App Definition &
Application Definition & Image Build
- Container DevOps
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:59:25
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000065
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:51:35
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- DidimNow
- 디딤365
- 2024-10-24 13:23:05
- https://www.didim365.com/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- 2024-10-24 13:37:58
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-29 09:17:22
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/kubernetes
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- Source Build
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-29 09:21:16
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/devTools/sourceBuild
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- 아코디언 코스모스
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-29 09:22:45
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/cosmos/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- SpaceONE
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-29 09:34:19
- https://spaceone.megazone.io
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- 모니터랩
- 2024-10-29 11:22:38
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- Source Build
- 모니터
- 2024-10-29 11:23:17
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- DnA 플랫폼
- 브이티더블유
- 2024-10-29 11:24:12
- http://vtw.co.kr/?module=Html&action=SiteComp&sSubNo=1
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- Devops Service
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-29 11:25:11
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/devops/devService.html
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- CloudWings-DevOps
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-29 11:25:57
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:07:30
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/product
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:09:23
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr/service-introduction
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:44:58
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:58:50
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- Kubernetes Engine
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:32:32
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Kubernetes%20Engine
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
- DevOps Pipeline
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:33:25
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=DevOps%20Pipeline
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Application Definition & Image Build
Continuous Integration & Delivery
- Container DevOps
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 17:28:07
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000065
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:52:28
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- DidimNow
- 디딤365
- 2024-10-24 13:24:28
- https://www.didim365.com/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- 2024-10-24 13:38:36
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:12:20
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- OpsNow Dev OS
- 베스핀글로벌
- 2024-10-24 15:33:55
- https://www.opsnow.com/en/products-en/opsnow-dev-os/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:14:27
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:15:01
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- Openmanager
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:15:39
- https://www.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:45:42
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 16:00:47
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- DevOps Pipeline
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:35:25
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=DevOps%20Pipeline
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:11:46
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Continuous Integration & Delivery
- DBaaS for MySQL8
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:56:37
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000053
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- DBaaS for MariaDB
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:57:44
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000054
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- Kafka
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:58:37
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000063
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- 2024-10-24 13:36:42
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:11:32
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:01:28
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:02:49
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr/service-introduction
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- Openmanager
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:03:15
- https://www.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:57:01
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:24:31
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Container%20Registry
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- DevOps Pipeline
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:26:26
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=DevOps%20Pipeline
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- Kubeflow
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:27:14
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=AI%20Service&service=Kubeflow
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:10:44
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Database
Streaming & Messaging
- 2024-10-24 13:37:24
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Streaming & Messaging
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:03:57
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/product
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Streaming & Messaging
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:04:41
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Streaming & Messaging
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:58:12
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Streaming & Messaging
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:29:05
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Container%20Registry
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Streaming & Messaging
- Kubeflow
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:30:15
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=AI%20Service&service=Kubeflow
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Streaming & Messaging
- Hadoop Eco
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:30:52
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Analytics&service=Hadoop%20Eco
- OPA SaaS
- App Definition and Development
- Streaming & Messaging
Orchestration & Management
Scheduling & Orchestration
- K2P Standard
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 16:17:50
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000019
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Container Registry
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 16:18:28
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000026
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- 2024-10-22 16:19:54
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-22 16:20:43
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-22 16:21:59
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/kubernetes
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- 동고비소프트
- 2024-10-22 16:22:50
- https://www.dongobi.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- CloudPlex Delivery, Matilda AI Platform
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-22 16:26:18
- https://sites.google.com/mz.co.kr/pdc-product/products/cloudplex-suite/cloudplex-delivery?authuser=0 https://www.matilda.ai/76370d4c-01e3-4f08-b34b-5555f658c91b
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- 모니터랩
- 2024-10-22 16:26:59
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Kubernetes Engine
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-22 16:27:39
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/container/k8sEngine.html
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-22 16:28:22
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Agados Platform
- 아가도스
- 2024-10-22 16:29:12
- www.agadoss.com
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-22 16:29:59
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- SECloudit
- 이노그리드
- 2024-10-22 16:30:37
- https://pms-innogrid.atlassian.net/l/cp/8Cyroi1f
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-22 16:32:03
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- 오케스트로
- 2024-10-22 16:32:58
- https://www.okestro.com/product/viola.php
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-22 16:34:56
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Kubernetes Engine
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-22 16:57:51
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Kubernetes%20Engine
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- NCross-KDI
- 피피에스
- 2024-10-22 17:59:18
- https://github.com/Lay4U/SIST4_Spring.git
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- 브리트(BERIT)
- 한국정보인증
- 2024-10-22 18:00:06
- https://www.doculink.co.kr/servlet/WMINDEX?COMMAND=prod_docu_beri
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-10-22 18:00:49
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:05:06
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:34:24
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Openmanager
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:35:16
- https://www.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- DevOps Pipeline
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:16:14
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=DevOps%20Pipeline
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
- Hadoop Eco
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:17:25
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Analytics&service=Hadoop%20Eco
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Scheduling & Orchestration
Service Mesh
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:54:15
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- K2P Service Mesh
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:55:04
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000023
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:50:45
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:10:52
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:57:08
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:57:33
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr/service-introduction
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:42:22
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:56:06
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- Kubeflow
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:22:28
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=AI%20Service&service=Kubeflow
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:08:47
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
Remote Procedure Call
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:54:15
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- K2P Service Mesh
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:55:04
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000023
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:50:45
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:10:52
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:57:08
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:57:33
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr/service-introduction
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:42:22
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:56:06
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- Kubeflow
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:22:28
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=AI%20Service&service=Kubeflow
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:08:47
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Mesh
Service Proxy
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:49:25
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- 2024-10-24 13:35:25
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:09:34
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:43:57
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:48:34
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr/service-introduction
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- Openmanager
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:49:12
- https://www.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:41:42
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:54:04
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:19:34
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Container%20Registry
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- DevOps Pipeline
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:20:30
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=DevOps%20Pipeline
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:05:55
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Service Proxy
Coordination & Service Discovery
- K2P Standard
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 09:44:33
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000019
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 14:24:14
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- Container Registry
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 14:26:13
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000026
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-23 14:26:57
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/kubernetes
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- Megazone PoPs
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-23 14:29:18
- https://pops.megazone.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- 모니터랩
- 2024-10-23 14:29:59
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- Kubernetes Engine
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-23 14:30:35
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/container/k8sEngine.html
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-23 14:32:09
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-23 14:33:20
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- SECloudit
- 이노그리드
- 2024-10-23 14:34:36
- https://pms-innogrid.atlassian.net/l/cp/8Cyroi1f
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-23 14:35:15
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- 오케스트로
- 2024-10-23 14:36:02
- https://www.okestro.com/product/viola.php
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-23 14:36:38
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- Kubernetes Engine
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-23 14:37:31
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Kubernetes%20Engine
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- 브리트(BERIT)
- 한국정보인증
- 2024-10-23 14:38:14
- https://www.doculink.co.kr/servlet/WMINDEX?COMMAND=prod_docu_beri
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-10-23 14:39:06
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:48:04
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- 2024-10-24 13:44:12
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:08:01
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:37:58
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- Coordination & Service Discovery
API & Gateway
- API Gateway
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:53:05
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000063
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:50:09
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- 2024-10-24 13:36:04
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:10:18
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:51:55
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/product
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:52:37
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr/service-introduction
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- Openmanager
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:55:32
- https://www.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:55:30
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:06:38
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Orchestration&Management
- API Gateway
Cloud Native Storage
- K2P Standard
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 14:02:45
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000019
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 14:04:41
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-22 14:05:44
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-22 14:15:12
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/kubernetes
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- CloudPlex Media
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-22 14:22:38
- https://cloudplex.megazone.io/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- 모니터랩
- 2024-10-22 14:23:19
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- Kubernetes Engine
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-22 14:24:19
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/container/k8sEngine.html
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-22 14:25:08
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- Agados Platform
- 아가도스
- 2024-10-22 14:25:51
- www.agadoss.com
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-22 14:26:49
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- SECloudit
- 이노그리드
- 2024-10-22 14:30:45
- https://pms-innogrid.atlassian.net/l/cp/8Cyroi1f
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- 오케스트로
- 2024-10-22 14:31:38
- https://www.okestro.com/product/viola.php
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-22 14:34:28
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-22 14:47:06
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Container%20Registry
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- 브리트(BERIT)
- 한국정보인증
- 2024-10-22 14:57:50
- https://www.doculink.co.kr/servlet/WMINDEX?COMMAND=prod_docu_beri
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-10-22 14:58:48
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- 2024-10-24 13:45:51
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:02:50
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:25:03
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- OSS Library
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:11:33
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=OSS%20Library
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
- Kubeflow
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:13:20
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=AI%20Service&service=Kubeflow
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Storage
Cloud Native Network
- K2P Standard
- kt cloud
- 2024-10-22 15:53:07
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000019
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 15:55:24
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- Container Registry
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 15:58:19
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000026
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-22 16:00:45
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/kubernetes
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- 모니터랩
- 2024-10-22 16:07:57
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- Kubernetes Engine
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-22 16:08:56
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/container/k8sEngine.html
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-22 16:09:38
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-22 16:10:26
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- SECloudit
- 이노그리드
- 2024-10-22 16:11:51
- https://pms-innogrid.atlassian.net/l/cp/8Cyroi1f
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-22 16:12:24
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- 오케스트로
- 2024-10-22 16:13:07
- https://www.okestro.com/product/viola.php
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-22 16:13:48
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- Kubernetes Engine
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-22 16:14:25
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Kubernetes%20Engine
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- 브리트(BERIT)
- 한국정보인증
- 2024-10-22 16:15:13
- https://www.doculink.co.kr/servlet/WMINDEX?COMMAND=prod_docu_beri
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-10-22 16:16:00
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:55:14
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- 2024-10-24 13:43:17
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:04:22
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:32:23
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Cloud Native Network
Container Runtime
- K2P Standard
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 15:00:25
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000019
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 15:01:28
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- Container Registry
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 15:02:09
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000026
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-22 15:05:16
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-22 15:09:39
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/kubernetes
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- KubePlatform
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-22 15:11:46
- https://kuberix.com/solution/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- 모니터랩
- 2024-10-22 15:15:34
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- Kubernetes Engine
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-22 15:16:13
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/container/k8sEngine.html
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-22 15:16:54
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- Agados Platform
- 아가도스
- 2024-10-22 15:17:36
- www.agadoss.com
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-22 15:23:32
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- SECloudit
- 이노그리드
- 2024-10-22 15:24:15
- https://pms-innogrid.atlassian.net/l/cp/8Cyroi1f
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-22 15:26:23
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- 오케스트로
- 2024-10-22 15:27:26
- https://www.okestro.com/product/viola.php
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-22 15:30:08
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- Kubernetes Engine
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-22 15:32:52
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Kubernetes%20Engine
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- AMP (API Management Platform)
- 코리아엑스퍼트
- 2024-10-22 15:33:46
- https://www.koreaexpert.com/amp
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- NCross-KDI
- 피피에스
- 2024-10-22 15:35:12
- https://github.com/Lay4U/SIST4_Spring.git
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- 브리트(BERIT)
- 한국정보인증
- 2024-10-22 15:35:56
- https://www.doculink.co.kr/servlet/WMINDEX?COMMAND=prod_docu_beri
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-10-22 15:42:40
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- 2024-10-24 13:42:31
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:03:45
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
- Cloudmesh
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:27:22
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Runtime
- Container Runtime
Security & Compliance
- Container Registry
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 16:51:26
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000026
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- DidimNow
- 디딤365
- 2024-10-23 17:58:49
- https://www.didim365.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- 2024-10-24 13:41:09
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 13:55:37
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- 아코디언 코스모스
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-24 14:21:09
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/cosmos/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- 아코디언
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-24 14:21:49
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/accordion/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- Container Registry
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-24 15:37:08
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/container/conRegistry.html
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:18:24
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:19:01
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:35:36
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 15:50:33
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:06:43
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Container%20Registry
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:00:50
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-11-01 14:23:03
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- Container Registry
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-11-01 14:24:34
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/containerRegistry
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- SpaceONE
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-11-01 14:25:49
- https://spaceone.megazone.io
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- Megazone PoPs
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-11-01 14:26:30
- https://pops.megazone.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-11-01 14:28:25
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
- PrivacyDB
- 아울시스템즈
- 2024-11-01 14:29:30
- http://www.owlsystems.co.kr/products/privacy.php
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Security & Compliance
Automation & Configuration
- K2P Standard
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-14 09:20:36
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000019
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 10:28:47
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- DidimNow
- 디딤365
- 2024-10-22 10:36:03
- https://www.didim365.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- MegaHub, Megazone PoPs
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-22 10:44:34
- https://sites.google.com/mz.co.kr/pdc-product/products/megahubhttps://pops.megazone.com/kr
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- OpsNow Dev OS
- 베스핀글로벌
- 2024-10-22 10:47:04
- https://www.opsnow.com/en/products-en/opsnow-dev-os/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-22 10:49:16
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/offerings/pubCloud.html
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-22 10:50:37
- https://strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- Cloudmesh
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-22 10:52:05
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr/service-introduction
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- 오픈마루
- 2024-10-22 10:53:42
- https://www.openmaru.io/product/openmaru-cloud-apm/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-22 10:56:44
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-22 10:59:23
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- OSS Library
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-22 11:00:52
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=OSS%20Library
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-10-22 11:06:56
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 16:12:30
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 13:49:38
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-24 14:14:55
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/ake/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- 아코디언 코스모스
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-24 14:16:43
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/cosmos/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- 아코디언
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-24 14:17:36
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/accordion/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- OpsNow Dev OS
- 베스핀글로벌
- 2024-10-24 15:31:56
- https://www.opsnow.com/en/products-en/opsnow-dev-os/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:10:38
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
- Hadoop Eco
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:04:53
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Analytics&service=Hadoop%20Eco
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Automation & Configuration
Key Management
- 2024-10-22 13:50:21
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- Key Management Service
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-22 13:53:44
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/security/kms
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- Megazone PoPs
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-22 13:55:41
- https://pops.megazone.com/kr
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- Matilda AI Platform
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-22 13:56:24
- https://www.matilda.ai/76370d4c-01e3-4f08-b34b-5555f658c91b
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- Key Management Service
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-22 13:57:47
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/security/kms.html
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-22 13:58:33
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-22 13:59:21
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/product
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-22 14:00:20
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- Kubernetes Engine
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-22 14:01:00
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Kubernetes%20Engine
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- 브리트(BERIT)
- 한국정보인증
- 2024-10-22 14:01:38
- https://www.doculink.co.kr/servlet/WMINDEX?COMMAND=prod_docu_beri
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 14:01:54
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- OpsNow Dev OS
- 베스핀글로벌
- 2024-10-24 15:32:52
- https://www.opsnow.com/en/products-en/opsnow-dev-os/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 14:23:22
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
- Key Management Service
- 모니터랩
- 2024-11-01 14:53:01
- https://www.monitorapp.com/ko/home-3-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Key Management
Container Registry
- FlyingCube
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-22 11:07:51
- https://gcloud.kt.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- 2024-10-22 11:09:51
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-22 11:11:07
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- Container Registry
- 네이버클라우드
- 2024-10-22 11:13:05
- https://www.ncloud.com/product/containers/containerRegistry
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- KubePlatform
- 메가존클라우드
- 2024-10-22 11:16:28
- https://kuberix.com/solution/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- Container Registry
- 모니터랩
- 2024-10-22 11:17:24
- https://www.monitorapp.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- Container Registry
- 삼성SDS
- 2024-10-22 11:29:37
- https://cloud.samsungsds.com/serviceportal/product/container/conRegistry.html
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- CloudCockpit
- 스트라토
- 2024-10-22 11:30:19
- https://www.strato.co.kr/bbs/page.php?hid=m01_01
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-22 13:26:51
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/product
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- SECloudit
- 이노그리드
- 2024-10-22 13:28:37
- https://pms-innogrid.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CS/overview
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-22 13:29:27
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- 오케스트로
- 2024-10-22 13:33:27
- https://www.okestro.com/product/viola.php
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-22 13:34:14
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-22 13:36:22
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000026
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- NCross-KDI
- 피피에스
- 2024-10-22 13:37:42
- https://github.com/Lay4U/SIST4_Spring
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- 브리트(BERIT)
- 한국정보인증
- 2024-10-22 13:38:52
- https://www.doculink.co.kr/servlet/WMINDEX?COMMAND=prod_docu_beri
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-10-22 13:42:14
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- ComPaaS
- 레빗
- 2024-10-24 13:53:37
- http://irevit.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- 아코디언 코스모스
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-24 14:19:26
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/cosmos/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
- 아코디언
- 맨텍솔루션
- 2024-10-24 14:20:12
- https://accordions.co.kr/product/accordion/
- OPA SaaS
- Provisioning
- Container Registry
and Analysis
- K2P Metric
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 17:29:43
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000020
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- DBaaS for MySQL8
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 17:30:33
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000053
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:53:11
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- DidimNow
- 디딤365
- 2024-10-24 13:25:38
- https://www.didim365.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- 2024-10-24 13:39:16
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:19:08
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:19:33
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- Openmanager
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:20:13
- https://www.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- 오픈마루
- 2024-10-30 15:25:48
- https://www.openmaru.io/openmaru-cloud-apm-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- 오픈마루
- 2024-10-30 15:26:45
- https://www.openmaru.io/openmaru-cloud-apm-2/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:46:23
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 16:01:37
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:37:41
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Container%20Registry
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- Easy cloud platform
- 휴버텍
- 2024-11-01 11:12:16
- http://www.huevertech.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Monitoring
- K2P Logging
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 17:31:19
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000021
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- DBaaS for MySQL8
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 17:32:08
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000053
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:53:48
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- DidimNow
- 디딤365
- 2024-10-24 13:26:33
- https://www.didim365.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- 2024-10-24 13:39:54
- https://steg.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:21:00
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:22:10
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- Openmanager
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:22:34
- https://www.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- SysMaster k8s
- 인프라닉스
- 2024-10-30 15:47:01
- http://www.infranics.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 16:02:10
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- Container Registry
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:38:58
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Container%20Pack&service=Container%20Registry
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- DevOps Pipeline
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:40:11
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=DevOps%20Pipeline
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- OSS Library
- 카카오엔터프라이즈
- 2024-10-30 16:40:50
- https://kakaocloud-kr-gov.com/service/detail?category=Developer%20Tools&service=OSS%20Library
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Logging
- Container APM
- KT cloud
- 2024-10-23 17:32:59
- https://cloud.kt.com/product/productDetail?prodId=P000000104
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Tracing
- 칵테일 클라우드
- 나무기술/아콘소프트
- 2024-10-23 17:54:24
- https://www.acornsoft.co.kr/%EC%B9%B5%ED%85%8C%EC%9D%BC-%ED%81%B4%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B0%EB%93%9C
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Tracing
- DidimNow
- 디딤365
- 2024-10-24 13:27:18
- https://www.didim365.com/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Tracing
- iCNP
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:23:17
- https://portal.icnp.in-soft.co.kr/
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Tracing
- Cloudmesh-S
- 아이엔소프트
- 2024-10-30 15:23:59
- https://cmps.in-soft.co.kr
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Tracing
- HyperCloud
- 티맥스클라우드
- 2024-10-30 16:02:43
- https://www.tmax.co.kr/hypercloud
- OPA SaaS
- Observability and Analysis
- Tracing